Self Conviction

Our Life is Constantly Surrounded By People having Opinions about Us. 

While growing up almost each on of us would have faced and felt that our choices were driven by Societal Proclamations. 

That is how it was been considered normal. 

Owning decisions and standing on them was been found rare. But it’s time that we change how we would want to manage Ourselves.

Our Beliefs should be Strong, We Must take responsibility of our Acts and Actions. 

Time Gone By has no comeback, Time Ahead can be Shaped On Our Belief and Self Conviction Today.

There shall be Discouragements, Failures, Hardships ; Let them Be, We Should Stand Firm and Walk Steady to Achieve Our Desired Goals. 

There’s Just One YOU!!! 


Deepti Khosla

Disclaimer: The Opinions Expressed in Blog are Solely of The Author. They do not Intend to Hurt or Negate Anyone Else’s.

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