Category Archives: Love

Sounds of Shore and Us


Deepti Khosla

Disclaimer: The Opinions Expressed in Blog are Solely of The Author. They do not Intend to Hurt or Negate Anyone Else’s.

Acceptance of Diversity Of Life

Sipping a cup of tea, I had this thought…

When we are young and studying in school or college, we are so connected with our friends. We meet them every day, hang out, and exchange messages or phone calls in the evening. We celebrate every little thing, believing that these friendships are meant to last forever.

As we move out to make careers, the connection gradually diminishes. From days to weeks, and even to months or years, everyone’s life engrosses them in numerous aspects. A reunion, be it in a year or two, or perhaps many more, may seem like a faint possibility.

Does this mean we change as individuals? Have we forgotten the good times we shared, or have we failed to maintain the respect for the relationships we nurtured?

Everyone has their boundaries, and Life’s journey presents different challenges. While we cater to the endless offerings from life, we naturally align ourselves with our current situations. This doesn’t mean we’ve changed.

What we used to do yesterday may not be suitable for today. Not because we’re neglecting our relationships, but because we’re striving to hold onto the present day.

Respecting the new day means it’s okay not to have long conversations. Even if we’re heading towards the same destination, our paths, speeds, and perspectives may differ. If the deal was to be together, it still doesn’t mean we need to match our pace. Neither should one slow down nor the other speed up.

The emotion of being around is not dependent on how much time we spend talking. It should be heartfelt, even if it is limited.

Let’s refrain from passing judgments on relationships that once blossomed. We must realize that we are all on different voyages.

It’s fine if difficulties aren’t shared; it’s fine if happiness isn’t expressed. Love for one another doesn’t depend on the number of words spoken; it’s about how deeply we can feel for each other even in profound silences.


Deepti Khosla

Disclaimer: The Opinions Expressed in Blog are Solely of The Author. They do not Intend to Hurt or Negate Anyone Else’s.

Truth & Openness


Deepti Khosla

Disclaimer: The Opinions Expressed in Blog are Solely of The Author. They do not Intend to Hurt or Negate Anyone Else’s.

Shed A Tear

As The Day progressed to Dusk,
Winded Up Work -All Checked and Finished;
Before Bed felt Proud & I shed A Tear!
I Woke to A Bad Dream, It Carried throughout The Day;
I Received A Surprised, Felt Loved & I Shed A Tear!
A Phone Rang ,A Moment Froze,
& Heart Pounced;
Heard A Voice in Years & I Shed A Tear!
Cleaned My Cupboard & Arranged Everything Well, 
Found A Lost Note that Mum had Shared;
Weak in Emotion & I Shed A Tear!
In A Party we met, He narrated An Old Tale
Quiet Hearty and Deep it Hit;
I couldn’t See his Tear & I Shed A Tear! 
Turning Back on Picture Album,
I was Nostalgic and Relived days again;
Felt Contended & I Shed A Tear!
Whenever You Experience A Roller Ride of Emotions, Shed A Tear!
It Was Never Enough and Wouldn’t Be Ever
But Shed A Tear to Keep It Forever!


Deepti Khosla

Disclaimer: The Opinions Expressed in Blog are Solely of The Author. They do not Intend to Hurt or Negate Anyone Else’s.

The new Epidemic – Fakeness

We are Unintentionally  struggling An Epidemic – “FAKENESS”. – -Double standards, Hypocrisy and pleasures in Humiliation. This has been Prevailing for Years Now; Untreated and Unresolved.

False faces, Manipulative Brains, Uncompassionate Hearts and Programmed Words ; A Cosmetic Reality!

OBSERVE – How they Talk About You Behind YOU!!

Our Souls are been fed with mistrustful Relationships. The emotional quotient has started to loose its worth and value. No opportunities are Unturned to prove Our Righteousness on basis of Lies/ Denials / EGO / Humiliation.. 

Face Values cannot be relied on.

The competition to rise above another and, then expectations for everyone else to behave like One. 

Human jealousies have been existing since centuries. This is OK to accept because the equation between what I want and What I have will never be proportionate. We have to accept this fact and improvise and compete with ourselves to progress better. We have abilities to be Mindful , Consciously aware – This is the beauty of being a Human and We should relish being One! 

Each One is Different and Unique 👐

Every Individual has his Own Desires, Aspirations, Goals; We have to work only on our own targets and aim to be better every time than before. Learning from each mistake , getting up stronger each time we fail. Our focus should be concentrated on resolutions that we make for ourselves and NOT on the other person is growing better/ seeming happier. That person’s happiness quotient will be different than yours, why waste our energy in analysing him/her being successful instead of praising our achievements and retrospecting failures. 


I see a Perfect Analogy of this behaviour with that of a Casino. We are treating each other as games, just playing around & enjoying the loudness of chaos, Dance floor of crushed dreams we keep stepping, and Uncounted number of turns that it takes to WIN

WIN – The Prestige of being better than other

We are the most Intellectual species on Earth. And shamelessly are creating a mockery of this Intellect by only only Faking the Truth, Faking Relationships, Faking Lifestyles. 

The Assertiveness required is being cut by the thought of I am Superior, 

The Self Sufficiency is being overpowered by Faking Misery. 

Why cannot we all be what WE ARE, find our own Happy Spaces, Find Peace in Humbleness, Be Sympathetic, Be Assertive

The Spirit of ‘Snatch away the Target’ before its stolen has to subside. 

Learn to Dance on Own Music. Let other’s enjoy their share of Sunshine. Grass is never greener on other side, it is a natural camouflage, Grow your garden rather.

Comparisons will always lead to jealousy and unfortunately we are failing over and over again to overcome it. We should take learnings from the Knowledgeable, share our experiences with a naive, lend a helping hand and NOT Humility, grab support with Gratitude and most of all “VALUE HUMAN BEINGS! “ 

EGO, Superiority Complex, Jealousy are the worst Enemies for Brain. They are our own thoughtfully created Viruses. Defeat the negativity and Rise above their Aura. 

We need to Synergize our capabilities to disown them. Be Real, Be Truthful. Hell or heaven aren’t mapped on GPS they lie within us, we are answerable to Us. For peaceful night live a Splendid Day.. Have a GOOD LIFE !!! 


Deepti Khosla

Disclaimer: The Opinions Expressed in Blog are Solely of The Author. They do not Intend to Hurt or Negate Anyone Else’s.

Hope – Today & Ever!

When there’s a Hope
There’s Brighter Sunshine..

Hope is Motivating & Captivating
The Path for Us to move towards Goals! 

Hope that I will see through The Best,
Cultivate Positivity for Better Tomorrows!

Hope that I will feel the Love Again,
Patches the Bridges of Broken Hearts! 

Hope that I will Let It Go
& Move Ahead,
Aid in Forgetting Regrets!

Hope that I will find Light Outside the Darkness,
Illuminates Mind with Positivity!

Hope that I will find Happiness-
in Little Joys,
Makes Life All the more Beautiful!

Hope that I will Accomplish Dreams to Reality,
Fill Eyes with Rainbows and Castles Of Vision!!

Find me On Instagram:

Disclaimer: The Opinions Expressed in Blog are Solely of The Author. They do not Intend to Hurt or Negate Anyone Else’s.

Once LOVED can NEVER be Undone!

LOVE Isn’t An Emotion that can be Erased, Undone or Reverted .
Heart does not Recognize Annulments. It cannot Detach itself from Sentiments.

If Ever We Could Erase, There wouldn’t be Heart Breaks
If Ever We Could Forget, There Wouldn’t be Gloomy Days!

Heart Doesn’t Cease to Feel,
It Returns same as it receives.
You might have Loved Dearly in Past,
But Cordial Is What you can Experience Here n Now!

The Face That We Hated to see,
Can someday be Our Daily Gee!
We Ain’t Not Ignore The Power Of Vibes,
No Matter How Much We Dig Deep
The Vehemence wouldn’t Ever Deplete.

It Will Shy Under The Shades,
Or Pinch Us in Grey,
We need to be Receptive ,
For It is Always there to Stay!!

Find me On Instagram:

Disclaimer: The Opinions Expressed in Blog are Solely of The Author. They do not Intend to Hurt or Negate Anyone Else’s.