Tag Archives: Truth

Life like Snakes and Ladders..

Life Game is Challenging! No One has a Smooth Sail, we meet and navigate the situations that Life throws at us.

We Start, We Pace, We Slowdown, We Fail and Repeat Again and Again.

In many lessons and Experiences that I learn daily – I strangely found a connect of Snakes and Ladders with Life.

Rolling on to dice (Opportunities) every move teaches us something. It is rather interesting to understand how subconsciously we grasp the art of maneuvering through the difficult terrains to reach to the End (what we perceive as end) only to start a new with same enthusiasm each time.


Deepti Khosla

Disclaimer: The Opinions Expressed in Blog are Solely of The Author. They do not Intend to Hurt or Negate Anyone Else’s.

Life Be Like

Truth & Openness


Deepti Khosla

Disclaimer: The Opinions Expressed in Blog are Solely of The Author. They do not Intend to Hurt or Negate Anyone Else’s.